Gem City/Fountain City was our first publication as Rabbit Catastrophe Press.  It has gone through two editions since it's initial publication in 2008.  It went out of print today after three years.  Thanks to Phil Estes for allowing us to publish his work as a start up press and for continuing to sell it at readings. 

Currently we are working on putting out Phil's second book entitled Children of Reagan.  It will be the first in a series of chapbooks we call ScrapChaps.  All of these books will be made from scrap we generate while making Rabbit Catastrophe Review.  Expect to see Children of Reagan in the next few months.  In the meantime, we still have copies of RCR #1 and #2 available on this site, and RCR #3 will be available in January. 

Thanks to everyone who has supported us the past three years.