Better than all holidays combined! Here are our Pushcart nominations:
"How to Play You-Play-Go in America" by Alessandra Simmons, from RCR 12
"a spell to absolve your own transness” by Kayleb Rae Candrilli, from RCR 13 (forthcoming)
"Uninhabitable Room" by Kamil Bouška, translated by Ondřej Pazdírek, from RCR 13 (forthcoming)
“Untitle —” by Rosie DeSantis, from RCR 13 (forthcoming)
“daughterson” by Melanie Dunbar, RCR 13 (forthcoming)
“the loneliness intermissions” by Kinsey Cantrell, RCR 13 (forthcoming)
Congrats everyone and good luck.